You’ve heard the legend of the Mighty Thor, but do know the Mighty TOR? Tor Cavazos is one of our students making a big difference in lives every week at The Connection Church. Tor is a senior at Hays High School and is on the drumline and is not waiting for graduation to start living out God’s calling on her life. With her great sense of of humor, she keeps those around her laughing. She is letting God use her by serving on the Wired Warriors Team with our house video. She plays in the Fuze Band and has shared her powerful story of life change several times, inspiring both students and adults to live for Jesus!

Tor has the right attitude of “Anything, Everything, or Nothing at All!” She is always willing to do whatever it takes as a part of our Connection Family. Tor Cavazos, we’re proud to have you on our team! You are this week’s Most Valuable Player!

Tor Cavazos

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